get moving FATTY!!! tick-tock-tick-tock

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where's my Teeth!!!

6:30am - get a call not about her teeth but about her missing id, medicare papers, debit card, prescription card, etc...
7:36am, 7:47am, 9:52am, 10:34am, 10:35am, 10:40am, and 10:42am - missed calls from G-ma but i knew what it was about.
(not included are the calls made to nancy and beefy)

go over to her place for lunch and eat my lunch real quick so that the search can begin. searched the kitchen, her room, the closets, everywhere!! i looked under the dining room table and saw her jacket on one of the pushed in chairs. took the jacket out and found her wallet in there. crisis diverted. i told her where i found it and she replies, "oh, i was looking for that jacket too."

20 minutes later she misplaces her jacket and wallet again. the search continues...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the most unproductive day EVER!!!

so who says that we don't ever communicate???

don't worry, you're not missing much by not seeing what was written...
cliff notes:
tay: give me your flight info on the google family calendar
everyone: ok, it's all there...
phu: i also put important events and times on the calendar
nance: thanks.
everyone: nance, let us know if you need help
nance: ok
(a couple of hours later)
tay: when are ya coming in again?
beefy: ...tay moment...
tay: (defensively) ...darn whipper snappers...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

G-ma, keepin' it real...

i would like to start a new segment of this blog dedicated to real things that we've experienced with G-ma. it's just a look into our daily life with G-ma and some of the funny stuff she does/say. for those of you who don't understand her or don't get to talk to her... you're missing out on our beloved G-ma. subscribe to the blog and at least you'll get a taste.

first entry....
conversation via: cell phone

[ring, ring]
phu: hello.
G-ma: did you take my debit card?
p: yes.
G: why did you do that? i need it.
p: what do you need it for?
G: i just do! [escalated voice]
p: it's expired, you can't do anything with it anyways.
G: you're expired!!!
[silence] [phone goes dead]

conclusion: i'm going to take that as a threat on my life...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diamond pushup are for weenies

Diamond pushups? Bleh, for wimps. Try swimming non-stop for a mile. You never fear for your life while doing push ups I bet!

Not there yet, but that's my goal for the year.

Monday, September 28, 2009

diamond push ups SUCK!!!

what do you hate???

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rub the belly!

145.5 lbs, BMI 22.8 (Nance you WIN the guess my weight game!)

I vote that if you've had surgery in 2009 or if you're over 35, you get a couple of free points!
Awesome pics Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Where's Mr. Smith's front picture?

Word to the wise....when you do the yoga video make sure you have something soft to land on like carpet or a pillow. Most of my yoga time was spent picking myself up off the ground. Who the heck and hold a twisted chair pose for that long! Oh yeah and plyometrics kicked my butt. I got light headed and almost passed out.

Tay and Ann, if you don't hear from me for a couple of days come check on me, please.