get moving FATTY!!! tick-tock-tick-tock

Sunday, December 6, 2009

G-ma, keepin' it real...

i would like to start a new segment of this blog dedicated to real things that we've experienced with G-ma. it's just a look into our daily life with G-ma and some of the funny stuff she does/say. for those of you who don't understand her or don't get to talk to her... you're missing out on our beloved G-ma. subscribe to the blog and at least you'll get a taste.

first entry....
conversation via: cell phone

[ring, ring]
phu: hello.
G-ma: did you take my debit card?
p: yes.
G: why did you do that? i need it.
p: what do you need it for?
G: i just do! [escalated voice]
p: it's expired, you can't do anything with it anyways.
G: you're expired!!!
[silence] [phone goes dead]

conclusion: i'm going to take that as a threat on my life...