get moving FATTY!!! tick-tock-tick-tock

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diamond pushup are for weenies

Diamond pushups? Bleh, for wimps. Try swimming non-stop for a mile. You never fear for your life while doing push ups I bet!

Not there yet, but that's my goal for the year.

Monday, September 28, 2009

diamond push ups SUCK!!!

what do you hate???

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rub the belly!

145.5 lbs, BMI 22.8 (Nance you WIN the guess my weight game!)

I vote that if you've had surgery in 2009 or if you're over 35, you get a couple of free points!
Awesome pics Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Where's Mr. Smith's front picture?

Word to the wise....when you do the yoga video make sure you have something soft to land on like carpet or a pillow. Most of my yoga time was spent picking myself up off the ground. Who the heck and hold a twisted chair pose for that long! Oh yeah and plyometrics kicked my butt. I got light headed and almost passed out.

Tay and Ann, if you don't hear from me for a couple of days come check on me, please.

114 lbs., BMI= 21.5
Darn those bad hair days!

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Smith after two kids, ten years of marriage, one deep dish Chicago style pizza, and a pazookie. Bring it on!!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

190lbs and BMI of 26.65

113 lbs.
BMI: 19.39

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

looks can be deceiving

113 lbs
BMI: 17.18
last meal: (same as below)

Monday, September 7, 2009

contestant #1, please come down!!!

141 lbs.
BMI: 21.44
last meal: 2 slices of chicago style deep dish pizza, pazookie (half baked cookie w/ ice cream), and 2 dr. peppers

the rules...

they're simple, you have till the end of the year to lose weight, tone up, or just to be in better shape. some of us chose to do the P90x workout videos but you can do whatever floats your boat. you can be the winner in three categories:

1.) weight lost (%)
2.) BMI reduction (%)
3.) whoever looks the best (i got this one in the bag)

you'll have to post your current picture and weight to make this a little more interesting...

BMI formula:
(weight in pounds * 703 )
height in inches²

My last three meals...

Sunday lunch - buffet at Kim Son
Sunday dinner - buffet at Tokyo 1
Monday breakfast - rice and thit dong (congealed meat and fat)

WHAT? Don't judge me!

the beginning....

imagine this...

so you* decide to come home to the great state of texas for the labor day weekend to visit your g-ma. you think about the nice relaxing time you'll spend with her, eating her great vietnamese food, hanging with your siblings, running from one air conditioned space to another to avoid sweat spots underneath your pits... right???

WRONG!!! you get there and she calls you FAT! so what do you do??? you join The Fantastically Overly Ambitious Nguyen Sibling P90x Workout Challenge. TFOANSPWC for short... NSPWC for shorter... FATCAMP for shortest.

as not only the founder of TFOANSPWC but also a member, i have created this blog (my first) to not only bring laugher and humiliation to this nguyen clan but also also to track our progress. sign up to follow this blog and you'll get a hand written note from me. (postage not included, please send stamp to me first)

*the identity of the person(s) mentioned above has been withheld to protect the privacy of nancy.