get moving FATTY!!! tick-tock-tick-tock

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where's my Teeth!!!

6:30am - get a call not about her teeth but about her missing id, medicare papers, debit card, prescription card, etc...
7:36am, 7:47am, 9:52am, 10:34am, 10:35am, 10:40am, and 10:42am - missed calls from G-ma but i knew what it was about.
(not included are the calls made to nancy and beefy)

go over to her place for lunch and eat my lunch real quick so that the search can begin. searched the kitchen, her room, the closets, everywhere!! i looked under the dining room table and saw her jacket on one of the pushed in chairs. took the jacket out and found her wallet in there. crisis diverted. i told her where i found it and she replies, "oh, i was looking for that jacket too."

20 minutes later she misplaces her jacket and wallet again. the search continues...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the most unproductive day EVER!!!

so who says that we don't ever communicate???

don't worry, you're not missing much by not seeing what was written...
cliff notes:
tay: give me your flight info on the google family calendar
everyone: ok, it's all there...
phu: i also put important events and times on the calendar
nance: thanks.
everyone: nance, let us know if you need help
nance: ok
(a couple of hours later)
tay: when are ya coming in again?
beefy: ...tay moment...
tay: (defensively) ...darn whipper snappers...